9 Marketing and Website Mistakes

by GruffyGoat Team written on
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We recently partnered with a local marketing agency for an event. For our presentation, we sat down and brainstormed some of the top mistakes we regularly see our clients make when it comes to their digital marketing. Below is our list!

Mistake #1

Making your marketing all about you instead of your customer.
The world doesn’t revolve around you but every sale does revolve around your customer. Know who they are, what makes them tick, and how they make purchasing decisions.

Mistake #2

Jumping straight to advertising tactics without building your foundation & strategy #firstthingsfirst.
Know your destination and directions before you hit the road. How do you ever measure success if you don’t know the end goal, even if short-term?

Mistake #3

Waiting until your content is perfect before building your website or other marketing tool.
Websites and other {digital} tools should grow and evolve with your business. Don’t let perfection hold you back! You can edit your website every day if you want.

Mistake #4

Not making your website mobile-friendly!
Explanation: 85% of adults think that a company’s mobile website should be as good or better than their desktop website. As of August 2022, 53.74 percent of the total web visits are currently mobile, compared to 46.26 percent coming from desktops. If you are unsure if your website is mobile friendly or responsive, contact us! We can help you figure that out!

Mistake #5

Have your website built in a way you can access and own you own stuff!
What is stuff? Your domain mostly. You need to be able to access your website backend, hosting, and domain. We have seen websites held hostage before so always have admin logins! We recommend you own your company domain. There are so many tasks that cannot be managed if you do not have that access, not to mention, if it’s not renewed your website will go down and there will not be much you can do. Also, ask for training on how to make basic edits so you have the ability to handle minor edits in-house.

Mistake #6

Using your own internal jargon instead of speaking to your audience.
Take a moment to know the level of understanding and knowledge your potential audience will have. Meet them where they are at. And, remember even if you’re a B2B business with highly technical customers, the decision-makers or door-keepers may not have that level of technical understanding.

Mistake #7

Not doing your own keyword research.
There are amazing free online tools like allow you to dig into how people are finding your website. If you’re not being found by the key terms you think you are, look at your content. Are those keywords present?

Mistake #8

Investing in paid advertising before organic.
Organic first, paid later (or never). You’re 279.64 times more likely to climb Mount Everest than click on a banner ad. Seriously, paid advertising has its place! If you’ve maxed out your organic potential or need to diversify, look into the true value of any paid advertising before investing.

Mistake #9

Only providing statistics without telling your client’s and your story.
Statistics are great supporting proof but you still want to appeal to emotions! Purchasing decisions are often emotionally driven. How many times have you opted to buy from a local small business or a company that gives back to the community versus a big store?